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Three Things to do to Keep Dentures Sanitary

Posted on 9/20/2017 by Beautiful Smiles Office
 Dentures Beautiful Smiles CA 95695-2986
Oral hygiene is just as important for your dentures as it is for real teeth. You have a different procedure to follow, but the concept remains the same. Your dentist doesn't tell you these things to bum you out, but to keep you informed of the things that can happen and how to prevent it.

Once you receive your new dentures your dentist will provide you with tips and tricks on what you can eat right away, how to work on slurred speech and how to properly clean your teeth. Here are some ways to keep your new dentures sanitary.

How to Keep Dentures Sanitary

Keeping your dentures clean and sanitized is important because you're putting them in your mouth, so let's not take any shortcuts. First of all, do a quick scrub and rinse before putting them in. They should have been kept soaking while you had them out to keep them moist, and for cleaning. Making sure all food particles are gone will make sure there is nothing forming before you go ahead and put them in.

Use a denture toothbrush and paste to clean them properly every day. You may want to put a towel down on the sink in case you drop them to prevent them from breaking. Soak them every night in a denture cleanser to remove bacteria and plaque buildup.

Rinse your dentures after you eat to remove any food particles. Don't forget the brush and real teeth you may have along with your tongue, cheeks, and roof of your mouth before putting them back in your mouth.

You will want to bring your dentures with you to your dental appointments so we can look for signs of wear, and to see how well they fit. They should be snug, but without pain and discomfort.

We will give you instructions on how long to leave them in for while your gums are still healing and then also after they have healed. If you have any questions, call our office today!

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (530) 206-9211 today.

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Beautiful Smiles
James Yang, DDS

255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
CA 95695-2986

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