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Damage That Comes with Open Mouth Breathing

Posted on 12/15/2018 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Damage That Comes with Open Mouth BreathingDid you know that you could be breathing wrong? It seems pretty straightforward and intuitive: air comes in, air goes out. But sometimes, depending on a variety of underlying conditions, breathing properly isn't that simple.

Breathing through your mouth can actually cause lasting damage to your health and your smile. If you suspect that you're a mouth breather, then keep an eye out for these following symptoms.

Risks and Dangers Associated with Breathing Through Your Mouth

The solution to open mouth breathing seems almost annoyingly simple – just stop! But for some of us, it's not that easy. Some of us may struggle with conditions that make breathing through our noses a challenge, such as allergies, upper respiratory infection, and enlarged tonsils.
The problems that arise from mouth breathing can be pretty complex and far reaching, so if you're struggling with it, it's extremely important to get it checked out by our staff.

These problems include:

•  A changed face. Yes, it's true - breathing through your mouth can actually change your facial structure, since your body is having to adapt to this different style of breathing.
•  Headaches. Breathing through your mouth can deprive your body of oxygen, leading to chronic headaches.
•  Halitosis. If your mouth is constantly dry, you're at an increased risk for bad breath.
•  Cavities. Open mouth breathing can lead to a dry mouth, which makes your chances of developing dental caries higher.
•  Inferior sleep. Not breathing well at night can impair your sleep, leading to chronic fatigue during the day.

It may be hard to know for certain if you are an open mouth breather, but if you suffer from any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to talk to a dental professional about your problems.

Our professional staff can thoroughly assess the health of your mouth and help you devise a treatment plan to treat the uncomfortable side effects of open mouth breathing. If you suspect that you're breathing through your mouth, give us a call today to schedule an appointment.
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Beautiful Smiles
James Yang, DDS

255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
CA 95695-2986

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