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Signs We May Notice That You Grind Your Teeth in Your Sleep

Posted on 9/10/2019 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Signs We May Notice That You Grind Your Teeth in Your SleepEveryone grinds their teeth occasionally, but if you do this on a regular basis, you can do a lot of damage to your teeth. This is why you should consult with us about this issue.

We can help you find a way to deal with the stress that lies at the heart of your bruxism. Even if you don't tell us about this issue, we'll be able to know that you grind your teeth the next time we examine them.

How we Know You Grind Your Teeth

When you come into our office to have your teeth cleaned, we will do a thorough exam, looking at every part of your mouth. In doing so we can tell if you have bruxism. There will be signs such as flat, fractured, loose, and chipped teeth. Your enamel itself may also be worn – something that we'll notice because deeper layers of your tooth will be exposed.

We will also notice signs of bruxism in other parts of your mouth as well. For instance, we may notice that the inside of your cheek is damaged because you've accidentally chewed on it. It's also possible that your jaw won't open or close completely like it should.

This is all noticeable before you even tell us about things like increased pain or tooth sensitivity. You may also tell us that your jaw aches in a similar fashion to an earache, but you aren't having any problems with your ear itself. You may also be complaining about your sleep being disrupted. If you're not complaining about this, it's possible that your bruxism may be loud enough that your partner will complain.

When you have any of these signs or symptoms, make an appointment to discuss them with us. There are ways we can help you correct this issue. Doing so will improve your overall dental health.

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Beautiful Smiles
James Yang, DDS

255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
CA 95695-2986

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