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What To Do To Prevent Daily Dental Stains

Posted on 9/21/2020 by Beautiful Smiles Office
What To Do To Prevent Daily Dental StainsHaving stains on your teeth is not something we ever want, and neither do you. There are several ways to prevent daily dental stains from occurring, and we want to ensure you know what we do. We are specialists in oral and dental care, and we love educating our patients. By taking the time to educate you now can help you keep your oral health prioritized in the future.

Foods That Cause Dental Stains

Red wine causes stains to teeth. However, many do not know that white wine does, too. The tannins in all types of wine causes stains. Black tea and coffee will also cause stains to develop on your teeth. If you like eating spaghetti in red sauce or curry, the bad news is these sauces can also cause stains. Soda, candy, and certain fruits will also stain your teeth. Another major cause of stains on teeth is smoking or chewing tobacco.

How to Prevent Stains On Your Teeth

So, the obvious solution to prevent stains would be to cut out all of these foods. That does not work for us and may not for you either. Eating is something we love to do, and we are not willing to give up that enjoyment, so we need to find an alternative. Using a fluoride-based toothpaste and an accompanying mouthwash will also help to prevent stains from occurring on your teeth. Flossing and brushing will certainly help to prevent stains, but there is more than can be done. If you smoke or chew tobacco, giving up will also make a difference. Give us a call at the office for more information on stain prevention.

Having stains on your teeth can damage your self-confidence. Please stop by our office to ensure that you are getting the care and attention you deserve in maintaining your oral health. We believe that everyone should be proud of their smile and provide the best treatment to ensure that is the case.
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Beautiful Smiles
James Yang, DDS

255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
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