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The Danger of Leaving Your Toothbrush On Your Bathroom Counter

Posted on 10/5/2020 by Beautiful Smiles Office
The Danger of Leaving Your Toothbrush On Your Bathroom CounterAll of our dentists warn against leaving your toothbrush out of its rack and on any type of countertop surface for many reasons. We want you to know the risks of doing this. A toothbrush on an open countertop is vulnerable to bacteria and even worse. The toothbrush is at risk of being accidentally pushed right off the counter and onto the floor. Most floor surfaces offer a wealth of pathogenic activity and you do not want your toothbrush anywhere near that.

Gravity will not be your friend if you find your toothbrush on the floor of your restroom. All activities that take place in that room have the potential to contaminate that toothbrush. Washing your hands, flushing your toilet, and even using your towel with wet hands or face can cause drips. Gravity carries them straight down to the floor where your toothbrush is waiting to become contaminated. Dropping your toothbrush even for a moment is just a really bad idea. We recommend using good concentration any time you handle your toothbrush. Never put it down anywhere but where it belongs.

What's the Worst That Can Happen If You Drop Your Toothbrush On the Floor?

Remember, your toilet is always going to be close by in your bathroom and anything in the area of five feet of your toilet is going to be laden with some sort of bacteria. The problem is you cannot see bacteria and in your busy life, the inclination to quickly brush your teeth could bring big trouble. Fecal matter splashed out of your toilet can infect your toothbrush. Would you intentionally brush your teeth with fecal matter? Of course, you wouldn't. Secure that toothbrush and never let it slip from your hands or get bounced off the counter. If that ever happens, just toss it and use a new toothbrush.

Accidents Happen! Be Prepared With A New Multipack of Toothbrushes On Hand

We know that accidents do happen; even in your very own bathroom. The remedy for a dropped toothbrush is being sure to have a fresh set of more than one new toothbrush on hand. Check for coupons, check the dental aisle at your favorite store for sales on new toothbrushes, and purchase a multipack containing as many as twelve brand new brushes. You will be glad you did because you'll never know when your toothbrush will end up on the floor. If you need guidance on this or any other dental question, be certain to call us soon or just stop by to chat. We are always available.

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James Yang, DDS

255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
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