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Dangers for Your Mouth of Dehydration

Posted on 11/9/2020 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Dangers for Your Mouth of DehydrationDrinking enough water is very important, and failing to do this can lead to dehydration. When you lack enough water, your salivary glands don't produce enough saliva and cause all sorts of mayhem. Dehydration is a serious condition for your body which can lead to detrimental effects on your dental health. We're here to list a couple of possible effects of dehydration on your mouth.

Gum Disease

When dehydrated, your mouth cannot wash away food debris that feeds bacteria. If enough bacteria breed in certain areas, they can cause gum disease and cavities. Bacteria feed off leftover food in your mouth, then produce acid that can wear away enamel, cause cavities, and harm your gums. Gum disease has the potential to recede your gums, wear away enamel and other disastrous effects. Always be sure to drink enough water to keep your gums in great shape; in turn, your teeth will remain protected from disease-causing bacteria and stay in great shape.

Teeth Stains

Your salivary glands normally produce saliva that coats your teeth and washes away food particles and debris. Saliva also contains calcium and other minerals that keep your smile clean and white. Believe it or not, the teeth can get dehydrated as well! Teeth require water and saliva to keep enamel strong. When you don't have enough saliva due to dehydration, food and drink have nothing to stop them from staining your enamel, which is often from acids and food coloring. Drinking an adequate amount of water every day keeps your glands producing saliva that will protect your teeth from unsightly stains and potential enamel damage.

If you notice signs of gum disease or teeth stains, don't fret. Simply give us a call so we can set up an appointment for you. If dehydration is something you deal with chronically, we can come up with a treatment plan for you!

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James Yang, DDS

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