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Is There a Way to Change the Shape of Some of My Teeth?

Posted on 8/9/2021 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Is There a Way to Change the Shape of Some of My Teeth?If you look in the mirror and are unhappy with the shape of your teeth, we have good news for you. In fact, there are several dental procedures to choose from to improve the shape of your teeth.

How to Change The Shape of Your Teeth

The first option is to utilize a dental veneer. Dental veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that are placed on the teeth. They are custom-made coverings, like shells, that are placed over the tooth. They are not removable, but they do not want them removed when our patients see the result. The goal of the veneer is to make the tooth look completely natural again, with the shape you desire. Dental veneers are quick and relatively non-invasive. In some cases, we can even place a veneer on the tooth without the use of an anesthetic.

Another option is to recontour your tooth. Recontouring or reshaping removes small amounts of tooth enamel to attain the desired look. This is a quick process as well and can be easily done at your next appointment.

Additionally, we could use dental bonding. This procedure involves applying a tooth-colored resin to the tooth, which can be filed to the desired look.
Dental crowns, or tooth-shaped caps, can be placed over your teeth to change the shape of your teeth as well. Crowns encase the entire visible portion of a tooth. They're made of porcelain, or porcelain with metal, and restore the natural shape of your tooth.

Reshaping Your Teeth Starts With an Appointment

We welcome the opportunity to talk with you about cosmetic dentistry. Please stop by our office or call to make an appointment to see if you would be a good candidate for any of these procedures.
Advanced Dental Technology
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Beautiful Smiles
James Yang, DDS

255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
CA 95695-2986

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255 W Court St., Suite E , Woodland, CA 95695-2986


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Beautiful Smiles, 255 W Court St., Suite E, Woodland, CA 95695 : (530) 206-9211 : : 2/9/2025 : Key Phrases: About us, Beautiful smiles, Dentist, Dental Office woodland CA