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What is an Orthodontist and What Do They Do

Posted on 3/7/2022 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Orthodontists are specialists in dental care who focus on the proper alignment of teeth and bite. They work with patients of all ages to improve their smile and oral health. Orthodontists may use braces, retainers, or other devices to correct teeth misalignment. If you're considering braces or another orthodontic treatment, here's what you need to know about orthodontists.

What is an orthodontist, and what do they do?

An orthodontist is a dental specialist who diagnoses, treats, and prevents irregularities of the teeth and jaw. Orthodontists use braces to correct misaligned or crooked teeth by gently moving them into the correct position. They may also recommend removable retainers to keep your smile looking great after treatment!
To become an orthodontist, you must complete dental school and then a two- to three-year orthodontic residency. This means that their training is significantly longer than a general dentist's.

Issues an Orthodontist Can Solve

The very first and common issue here is teeth crowding. When there is not enough space for all teeth to fit normally in the mouth, they may become crooked or overlap. This is one of the most common problems orthodontists treat.

Second, there is the underbite. This occurs when the lower jaw extends farther forward than the upper jaw. It can cause difficulty chewing and speaking and can also lead to damage to the teeth. On the flip side, we have the overbite. This is the opposite of an underbite and happens when the upper jaw extends too far forward over the lower jaw. It can cause pain in the jaws and neck and lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

An orthodontist can also treat jaw problems, such as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), which is pain and dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ syndrome.

Last but not least, orthodontists can fix teeth that are rotated, crooked, gapped, and more. So if you have any of these issues with your smile, don't hesitate to give us a call! If you are experiencing any problems with your teeth or jaw, be sure to consult an orthodontist.
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Beautiful Smiles
James Yang, DDS

255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
CA 95695-2986

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Beautiful Smiles, 255 W Court St., Suite E, Woodland, CA 95695 \ (530) 206-9211 \ \ 1/22/2025 \ Associated Words: About us, Beautiful smiles, Dentist, Dental Office woodland CA